2021年5月- 26吗

Welcome to our recognition of 心理健康 awareness month. In past articles we have clearly outlined the stigma associated with recognizing and supporting those of us that sometimes struggle with 心理健康 symptoms. As humans, we tend to hide the most vulnerable parts of ourselves. We worry that our vulnerability will show weakness. We hide the parts of ourselves that plainly show our humanity. We deny our discomfort, rationalize our fears, and gravitate towards instant gratification. But what if these behaviors made sense? When both our physical and 心理健康 are direly impacted by stigmatized experiences; at what point do we begin to address the root cause of the issue?

I will go ahead and name the subject of this piece. Childhood trauma is the culprit responsible for negatively impacting the positive trajectory of our physical health, 心理健康, 整体发展. Some may have stopped reading by now, minimizing the affects that early experiences have on our overall growth and development, but if you’re still with me, 请听我说完.

Trauma is a subjective word. 简而言之, it means something happened that overwhelmed the individual or 社区’s ability to cope with whatever happened. This means that whatever transpired overwhelmed our resources and we were left struggling to man年龄 with the impact of said event or occurrence. If we think about our resources, they vary greatly depending on the individual person, 家庭, 社区, 社会, 和国家. A multitude of factors impact quantity and depth of and stash of resources; strength, 年龄, 重量, 状态, 比赛, 财务状况, 举几个例子. Again, it’s subjective; what overwhelms me might not overwhelm you. What overwhelms one country might not overwhelm another. What overwhelms one family may not overwhelm the other.

Adverse Childhood Experiences are challenges faced before 年龄 18 years of 年龄. In the mid 90’s there was a study conducted in Southern California of over 17000 Kaiser members. These individuals were screened and asked how their early life experiences had impacted their overall trajectory of wellness. What these researchers found was quite baffling. They asked a series of 10 questions related to abuse, neglect and household challenges. The outcomes of the study demonstrated the direct correlation between adversity faced as children and the poor health outcomes experienced later in life without intervention.

This information is not to reduce us to our histories or experiences, but to make us aware of the impact of such experiences. PG电子官网的大脑和身体, and nervous systems will forever be impacted by factors such as the alterations of our physiology and increased stress hormones, but with proper awareness, 教育, and intervention we can learn about our individual and collective needs in order to mitigate the harsher impacts of some of these experiences, allowing our needs to be met and our bodies to heal from what they have experienced.

Please visit the link below to the CDC website if you are interested in taking your own ACE score quiz or learning more about the impact of early life experiences on the trajectory of physical, 精神, 发展健康.

Ted Talk: How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime | Nadine Burke Harris

Learn about Adverse Childhood Experiences from the CDC

*My name is Kara Gately and I am a social worker working in a rural health clinic at Plumas District Hospital as a 心理健康 professional providing psychotherapy and addiction treatment services. My passions include social justice, 心理健康, and promoting fair treatment and well-being for all. Please join the exploration and 教育 in each publication as we explore topics related to 心理健康 and health 教育.






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